Diplomatic Mission building

The Diplomatic Mission to the United Kingdom for Te Ui Ariki Ngateitei o te Kuki Airani is based on the top floor of Hawkcliffe Works on the Hebden Bridge road. Situated in the heart of Bronte country it is ideally suited to reaching London, via Leeds Rail Terminal and some of the other embassies based in Manchester.
The function of the Diplomatic Mission to the UK
The main function of the Diplomatic Mission to the UK is to liaise between the Foreign and Commonwealth Office for the United Kingdom on behalf of Te Ui Ariki Ngateitei o te Kuki Airani.
Initially, this main contact is to esablish recognition of Te Ui Ariki Ngateitei o te Kuki Airani and their Letters Patent, which came into force on the 6th day of April 2014, by the United Kingdom.
Once this is done, then it becomes the responsibility of this office to assist His Excellency Bruce Mita in establishing diplomatic relations with other nations at the request of the Ariki.
Comment from the Ambassador
The Ambassador to Te Ui Ariki Ngateitei o te Kuki Airani commented as follows:
"The Diplomatic Mission was located at Hawkcliffe Works due to the fact that I have another business interest running there. It therefore makes strong financial sense to amalgamate the two locations so that the new and upcoming government of the Cook Islands is not burdened unnecessarily in these fledgling times. Once Te Ui Ariki Ngateitei o te Kuki Airani have been reinstated to their rightful place, I shall take direction from the Ariki as to what they want to do in the future."