Ambassador of Te Ui Ariki Ngateitei o te Kuki Airani

His Excellency Kevin Anthony Allmond
Kevin Anthony Allmond was formally appointed by Warrant of Appointment as, Ambassador Plenitpoteniary to the United Kingdom of Great Britain for Te Ui Ariki Ngateitei o te Kuki Airani, signed on the 2nd day of June 2014, by Ruatapu Tukarawa (for: Te Ui Ariki Ngateitei o te Kuki Airani) and Ruatapu Ariki (O Te Moana Nui a Kiwa).
Warrant of Appointment
Royal Warrant of Appointment of Ambassador - Apostille No 403 2F Dated 11th July 2014
The role of the Ambassador
The main role of the Ambassador Plenipotentiary to Te Ui Ariki Ngateitei o te Kuki Airani is threefold:
Firstly, to speak for, and on behalf of Te Ui Ariki Ngateitei o te Kuki Airani in relation to their Restoration as the Sovereign Monarchs and Sovereign Heads of State of the Cook Islands.
Secondly, to transact, and or, negotiate any business, finance, trades, for the benefit and welfare of the Cook Islands People. And to,
Negotiate Peace and Friendship Treaties, and or, Pacts.
Statement from the Ambassador
The Ambassador to Te Ui Ariki Ngateitei o te Kuki Airani made the following statement:
"I am absolutley thrilled to be acting on the behalf of Te Ui Ariki Ngateitei o te Kuki Airani and I shall strive to be my very best at all times whilst in their service. The Colonial and Empirical past of many European Nations over the past couple of hundred years is an absolute disgrace, and a state of affairs that should make the most noble of present day countries blush in shame"The Ambassador to Te Ui Ariki Ngateitei o te Kuki Airani at the UK Diplomatic Mission.